Hello, I am inquiring for
advice and help on getting along
with family after an abortion.
Are there any good books on
the subject? Planned Parenthood
did not indicate there would
be such discord. Their instructions
are to inform one close friend.
The woman's father was informed,
but instead of supporting this
woman, he said nothing to her
and she didn't know anything
was wrong, until years later,
except for the dead silence.
It turned out he betrayed the
woman and told her siblings
who in turn have told their
husbands and even cousins and
their siblings know. She is
the only person all these people
know who have had an abortion.
This entire family has turned
against her, even though this
happened 15 years ago. She has
been the only one not invited
to events, such as the birth
of her sibling's babies. There
is a dead silence whenever she
speaks. They act like she is
strange and say things are bizarre
or odd when she is around, or
when she talks about anything.
They don't look at her, and
give her the cold shoulder.
They make jokes about her all
the time constantly at family
get-togethers which she is spending
less and less time at. This
is a good-looking family, but
they have such high opinions
of themselves they think they
are superior because she has
this dark skeleton in her past.
One time an acquaintance asked
the family why no one talks
to her. It is hard to believe
this is happening in 1999. I
thought we were done with the
days women were shunned.
The worst thing the family
does is make constant, fast
sarcastic, bitingly cruel comments
about abortion in a metaphorical
way. They use symbolism and
double meanings to point out
she is inferior because she
had an abortion. Double meanings,
i.e., "did you hear about the
endangered harp seal?" with
a tone of voice meaning they
are relating it to a baby being
slaughtered. Or wearing a t-shirt
that has a double meaning. Or
suddenly taking a vacuum cleaner
out of the closet in a loud
noticeable way and vacuuming
a perfectly clean rug making
the point nothing had to be
vacuumed. Clanging items when
she is around, to show disagreement/hate
towards her. Talking about ovens
being at the wrong temperature
to cook meat, in an mean voice
while not looking at her. Pointing
out tiny objects, such as hummingbirds,
and saying "did you see that"
without looking at her eyes,
as if she can't see small things,
etc. etc . etc. They act so
odd it would be a miracle if
she can take any man home to
see her family.
Has anything like this happened
before? What is your suggestion
for handling this? Is there
any hope for a reconciliation?
They are so cold and distant
and confident of themselves
that it looks impossible. Are
there any books about women
who have had family problems
after abortion and how they
dealt with it? The reason I
have written this here is because
I admire Gloria and advocate
feminist issues and thought
someone older and experienced
could help me with this family
conflict over abortion. I would
appreciate any online assistance
or literature, as there is much
pain and suffering as a result
of family members responses
to abortion. I would welcome
replies from anyone who can
help. I hesitate to go to the
church about this issue, but
is that recommended? Thanks
so much.
Thanks for your note --and
for being such a good friend
to your friend. Though it is
certainly not funny, I couldn't
help but laugh as you described
the extremes this family is
going to--the vacuum cleaner,
the oven, the insults. I know
that she must know this, but
she should try to not let their
immaturity get in the way of
her sincerity. Also, I just
want to say that it is very
unlikley that this woman is
"the only one they know of who
has had an abortion." It is
just that she is the only woman
who they can point to. In fact,
I wouldn't be surprised if one
of them has had an abortion.
An estimated 1.37 million have
abortions each each--surely
they must know someone else,
it's just that they don't know
that they know someone else.
Besides ignoring their immaturity,
which doesn't seem like a very
reasonable response either,
she could try to "fight back"
with facts--for instance, that
in fact they are the minority
not her, etc... But she probably
just wants to help herself right
now. There are a few books:
The Choices We Made,
edited by Angela Bonavoglia,
which is personal stories of
famous women who have had abortions,
and some entries include the
family's reaction. There are
two other books on abortions--one
is more of a step by step guide,
The Abortion Resource
Handbook, K. Kaufmann;
Paperback. There is also one
that was put out by Simon &
Schuster written by two women
and I can't remember the title,
but you might be able to find
it in your bookstore.
I had the opposite reaction
to your friend. I had an abortion
and almost 1/2 of my friends
have admittedly had abortions--I'm
sure others have but don't talk
about it. All of us are supportive
to each other, because we respect
that we made the best decision
we could at that time.
I hope your friend is okay.