Welcome to BFF 2.0, your daughter's online social world. In my next few blogs, I�m taking parents on a tour. Don�t worry: this tour has no technical information whatsoever. I�m going to speak in real English and keep it simple. I’m offering some big picture points about why girls are so obsessed with social media and why so much of it is making them anxious and insecure.
Stand on the edge of any playground and you�ll see a scene play out day after day: most boys play games, and most girls linger on the edges to talk. The same is true online: social media is social, and girls use technology to connect and share. Check these stats out:
- Girls typically send and receive 50 more texts a day than boys.
- Girls ages 14-17 are the most active, churning through 100 texts a day on average.
- Girls are more likely than boys to carry their phones on them at all times.
It wasn�t always this way. In the beginning, technology helped connect girls. It was an adjunct to relationship, filling the gaps of contact that opened up between home and school. Today, technology is part of relationship itself. With gadgets more portable and accessible, the average kid ages 8-18 spends up to 8 hours a day using an electronic device. Girls move fluidly between virtual and spoken conversation, texting to each other in the same car and conducting real and virtual conversations simultaneously.
Real life is frequently experienced as a new opportunity to post or share online. A high school girl told me that the phrase �take a picture of me� now simply means, �put it on Facebook.� Another girl told me, �People go to parties in college with the intention of just having [Facebook] pictures for the night. If someone makes a joke at a party, a person will be like, oh my God, that�s the perfect title for my album.� And in 2009, a teen told Teen Vogue, �You�re not dating until you change your relationship status on Facebook.� A year later, �FBO,� or Facebook Official, became the new measure of dating legitimacy.
Many parents suspect that what�s happening online is some crazy, altogether foreign world than the one you know your daughter to inhabit. Think again. All social media does is magnify the feelings and dynamics that were there all along. In the real world, girls are obsessed with their relationships. They know a big part of their status is defined by who they sit next to, which parties they get invited to, and who they count as a �best friend.�
The same thing is happening online. Every time her phone beeps, or someone �likes� her status on Facebook, she gets a tangible message about how well (or not) her relationships are doing. Today, a socially aspirational girl must be vigilant about not only what happens in real life, but her virtual reputation — and on a new, uncharted plane of connection and coolness. That girl sitting at her laptop, working three machines at once? She�s doing a new kind of social work. It takes time, and it takes access.
That�s why girls claim they �don�t exist� if they lack a Facebook account. This is why parents sleep with confiscated laptops under their pillows; they know their daughters will do anything to get them back. And this is why girls show levels of rage and anxiety hence unseen when they lose phone or online privileges. It is precisely the value that girls place on their access to technology that illuminates its position at the heart of girls� relationships.
But just because girls love social media doesn�t mean they know how to use it responsibly. The biggest mistake we can make is to assume that a girl �gets� technology in a way that an adult does not. Looks are deceiving. The world of BFF 2.0 has presented girls with new, unwritten rules of digital friendship, and it has posed a fresh set of social challenges.
What does a one-word text mean when someone usually types a lot? What if you and your friend are texting the same girl, but she only replies to your friend? Does she like you less? How should you handle it? Online social interactions generate situations that demand sophisticated skills. Without them, girls become vulnerable to online aggression and worse. Next week, I�ll continue the tour and begin answering some of these questions.
This post is based on sections of the newly updated and revised Odd Girl Out. To get four new chapters of anti-bullying strategies and insights for girls, parents and educators, order the new OGO now!
Rachel Simmons
This post originally appeared at RachelSimmons.com.
Previous "Real Girls, Real Leaders"
Lilly's Blog: Ten Commandments for a Teenage Feminist
What Price Success? Girls, Stress and Being Your Own Worst Enemy
By Rachel Simmons
Princess Tiana�Real Girl or Perfect Girl?
By Lauren Herold, Girls Leadership Institute
How to Talk to Your Daughter About Cyberbullying Now
By Rachel Simmons
About Rachel Simmons and the Girls Leadership Institute
Rachel Simmons
is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls , and The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence. As an educator and coach, Rachel works internationally to develop strategies to address bullying and empower girls.
Rachel Simmons founded the Girls Leadership Institute, a non-profit that runs camps and workshops to give girls and women the skills, courage, and confidence to live authentic, engaged and more fun lives. The Real Girls, Real Leaders bloggers include Rachel Simmons and the alumnae, teachers, and parents of the Girls Leadership Institute.
Rachel Simmons and GLI featured in The New York Times:
Girls, Uninterrupted
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