First of all, I would like
to thank you very much for the
information on your page concerning
rape. As a loved one of a survivor,
it is encouraging to know that
there are people like you (collectively)
willing to make a difference.
The information you have posted
is both educational and almost
therapeutic. However, as pleased
as I was about that portion,
your political page disgusted
I'm a republican political
consultant in New Mexico. I
deplore the religious right
far more than you ever could.
During a recent campaign opposing
the liberal, democrat speaker
of the house, we took him to
task for blocking the passage
of Megan's Law (public notification
of sex offenders). New Mexico
is the only state currently
not in compliance. His response
was, "I see no reason to sentence
people to life after they have
served their full sentences."
What does he think the survivors
are sentenced to?? The feminist
groups all endorsed him, despite
the fact that his opponent was
a woman who champions women's
To further advocate my position
against your political page
I will use your own words: "I
actually think that Clinton
purposely didn't have sex with
Monica Lewinsky so she wouldn't
get pregnant and, therefore,
she wouldn't have to "kill"
her baby." While I won't even
discuss the Clinton-scandal
or the issue of abortion (I'm
pro-choice), I do think that
comment reflects your very tortured
logic. You are defending a man
who obviously has no respect
for women. You defend people
who believe that criminals should
not be held accountable for
their actions. You defend the
left. What would your response
be to Newt Gingrich sexually
exploiting a young intern in
his office?
My sister majored in women's
studies at CU and was as liberal
as they come. While her advocacy
towards women's issues have
not changed, her political affiliation
has. She is now a republican
because she has realized that
being a feminist means standing
up for what is right and condemning
what is wrong. Until this group
has the courage to be consistent
in opposing issues and lobbying
for what is right, you will
forever be called "hypocritical".
A fearless inventory should
reveal the truthfullness of
that label.
Thanks again for your rape
information. It was very helpful.
Best of luck. J
Thank you for your note to
your "thanks." Besides sending
thanks, I did want to clarify
a few things from your note.
First, I don't know enough
about the New Mexico case to
add my own opinion. However,
I do know something about political
researh, including that even
though some candidates appear
to be "champions of women's
rights" their voting records
don't reflect this. Also, I
do know that when other people,
such as you, says things like
"all the feminist groups endorsed
him" this usually means the
Organization for Women and
Political PACS such as pro-choice
organizations. In doing political
research, I know that there
are many other groups who get
overlooked as feminist groups
because these aren't "household
names," such as those working
on mental health, those working
on incest, etc.... Similar when
PACS endorse candidates they
only go after one-bottom line--i.e.
their voting record on the environment--without
giving attention to the interconnectedness
of issues. This leaves us with
a lot of confusion. So although
I don't know about the New Mexico
case, I do know that similar
cases can be somewhat described
by the above.
Second, when you refer to
my words: "I actually think
that Clinton purposely didn't
have sex with Monica Lewinsky
so she wouldn't get pregnant
and, therefore, she wouldn't
have to "kill" her baby." You
have very much taken my words
out of context as I was only
responding to the absurdity
and illogic of the question
asker. I suggest you go back
to the question and not just
take this answer, which is more
the questioner's words than
my own. That aside, I don't
"defend the left"--but am personally
trying to ensure that I can
make choices in my own life
that are based on my own morality.
And in response to you question,
"[if] Newt Gingrich [was] sexually
exploiting a young intern in
his office?"--and assuming the
intern described it as such,
I would be outspoken against
this situation. The intern in
this case, Lewinsky, has not
said that she was exploited.
To the contrary, she has said
that she had an affair with
a man she cared deeply for and
did her best to prolong that
Third, I want to clarify that
this is not a democratic site
as you seem to allude to. I
personally don't believe that
"democrats are inherintly good"
and "republicans bad." Working
in feminism is the biggest indication
that "sexism falls across party
Thanks again for your note.