This may not be the correct
place for this, but... Some
twenty years ago, while attending
college, my political conscience
awoke and I became a very active
Young Republican. Even just
a few years ago during the last
election cycle, I was still
actively aiding in the election
campaigns of local (upstate
South Carolina) Republican candidates:
out in the streets and in their
campaign headquarters. But...
Today, election year '96, I
am scared. Not scared that abortion
may become illegal again. That's
not the issue; that's only a
symptom of something much more
sinister. The religious zealots
scare me. The religious fanatics
taking over the party and ultimately,
the government. A religious
fanatic is still a fanatic,
and any fanatic is a danger
to his/her self and potentially,
others. ... Blindly following
my party into the pulpit of
religious intolerance or off
a cliff, are both things that
I am not willing to do. Not
voting is not an option, at
least to me it is not an option...
"But," you say, "Bob Dole
is not of the religious fringes,
these fanatics as you see them."
And yes, I agree. But, and this
is a big but, Bob Dole has already
caved in several times to these
fanatics and others in the party.
He is single minded in becoming
President before he dies, and
seems willing to be a puppet
if need be, to do so. And a
puppet President, a puppet for
a religious fanatical group...
is totally and unequivocally
unacceptable. Period.
Clinton stands out as the
only remaining choice: the only
insurance we have today against
the "want-to-be" religious dictatorial
government of tomorrow, the
New Republican party. My party
has moved out from under me:
I have not moved away from my
party. - Greg
P.S. I realize that there
is much time between now and
the '96 election. Much can happen.
As such, I hope that these,
my concerns, reach the eyes/ears
of those that might make a difference;
might lead the party away from
its demise. I'll wait and see,
but I hold little hope. I don't
feel like a Democrat; I simply
feel abandoned.
Dear Greg - you are not the
only one who feels abandoned
by the Republican Party - many
others do, too, - including
Tanya Mehlich who wrote a great
book on the subject - The
Republican War Against Women.
Personally, I am a Democrat,
but would not hesitate to vote
for a Republican who supported
the issues that I believe in
- access to family planning,
including legal and federally
funded abortions, education
for all, health care for all,
no tax breaks for the rich or
for large corporations, less
defense, etc... However, the
candidates who have been most
in synch with my politics have
been Democrats and yes, I would
never vote for a candidate who
was anti-choice - because in
my mind they are essentially
denying me my right to choose.
And yes, we are in jeapordy
of losing that right - poor
women and young women have already
lost that right through parental
consent laws and the Hyde Amendment.
Other women are losing this
option more and more - those
in rural areas, who can't afford
to drive 8 hours to the nearest
clinic; those in the state of
Mississippi where there is only
one clinic in the state; those
who are being confronted by
anti-choice extrememists at
clinics; the fact that there
are fewer doctors who can provide
safe abortions, because medical
schools no longer require that
medical students be trained
in these procedures and because
doctors are too scared to undertake
So yes, we are in danger. As
Congress is today, pro-choice
representatives are a minority.
And regardless of what Bob Dole
says - his voting record is
proof that he is anti-choice.
He has not supported one 'pro-choice'
bill in the past 4 years. Actions
speak louder than words.
("For more than 20 years I've
opposed Roe v. Wade, and I support
a constitutional amendment to
overturn Roe v. Wade." - Bob
Dole, New York Times,
March 1996). The good news is
that there are a few pro-choice
Republicans - and
Voters for Choice can help
you find some in your area (202-588-5200).
I hope this helps - and I hope
that you care enough about women
and their right to reproductive
freedom to vote for candidates
who support them.