I am the president of my
local girl's fastpitch softball
league. The league was always
thought of as second rate, receiving
the left overs from the boys
leagues. Because of this we
have started a separate league.
Since doing this enrollment
has gone up to around 800 girls.
This brings me to my problem.
The city refuses to give us
more than one playing field.
There is a lot more I could
go into but I think that you
get the idea. I am looking for
an organization that will help
me put pressure on my parks
& rec. and the city government
that controls them. Thank you.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and even more thanks for ensuring
that the girls get equal access
and thus enough resources to
be great athletes. The best
organization for you to contact
is the Women's Sports Foundation. You can
reach them at: #800-227-3988.
They are well versed on what
Title IX says and how it can
be applied in this instance.
Hopefully they can give you
enough information to win access
to at least one more field.
There is also Girls,
Inc. ((212) 689-3700) which
may or may not have a local
chapter near you. Their national
office is in New York City.
This organization is directing
more and more of their work
toward girls and sports. I'm
sure they would love to lobby
on your behalf. Good luck and
I know that many girls will
be happy that you are taking
the lead on this.