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Check out Amy's book: Opting In: Having a Child Without Losing Yourself (read an excerpt)
Rape & Sexual Harrassment |
trying to find a political
organization which concerns
itself with the prevention
of rape. That is, the
problem is with our society
and not the women yet
the emphasis are on women
protecting themselves
and helping survivors.
What is being done to
make the streets safer?
There has to be someone
with whom I can pool my
efforts. Steve
for your commitment to
ending rape. You are not
alone. There are many
great organizations doing
very similar workmany
which you should join
forces with.
Groups include:
- Men
Against Rape and Pornography,
PO Box 81856, Pittsburgh,
Pa 15217
- Men's
Anti-Rape Resource Center,
PO Box 73559, Washington,
DC 20056
- Men
Stopping Rape, Inc.,
PO Box 316, 306 North
Brooks Street, Madison,
Wisconsin 53715
- Oakland
Men's Project, Oakland,
- Men's'
Issues Discussion Group,
Reed College, 3203 NE
Woodstock Blvd., Portland,
OR 97202.
- Men Stopping Rape, Inc.,
PO Box 316, 306 North
Brooks Street, Madison,
WI 53715.
- National Organization
for Men Against Sexism,
c/o MOVE, 54 Mint Street,
Suite 300, San Francisco,
CA 94103.
- You might also check
out our section of Pro-Feminist
Men's Groups and our Violence
Against Women links.
luck. Amy
am a fifteen-year-old sophomore
doing research on rape as
a topic for a school project.
I am interested in any other
information you could offer
concerning this subject.
Thank you. Andi
for your note to Feminist.comand
for taking the time to
"educate" your sophomore
class on the topic of
rape. In an ideal world,
I wish we could spend
our school projects on
more celebratory things,
but given the prevalence
of things such as rape
this is where we should
be putting our energies.
Education is the first
step toward positive results
and empowerment, so thanks
for encourage other steps.
That said, here are some
things you should know:
in America a woman or
girl is raped every 2
minutes." by National
Crime Victimization Survey,
Bureau of Justice, 1996.
1995, 354,670 women
were victims of rape
or sexual assault."
by National Crime
Victimization Survey,
Bureau of Justice, 1996.
28% of victims are raped
by their husbands or
boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances,
and 5% by other relatives."
by Violence Against
Women Bureau, Bureau
of Justice Statistics.
FBI estimates that only
37% of rapes are reported
to the police."
majority of rape service
agencies believe that
public education about
rape and expanded counseling
and advocacy services
for rape victims would
be effective in increasing
the willingness of victims
to report rapes to the
of every four reported
rapes takes place in
a public area or in
a parking garage."
to contact for more information:
Books you could reference:
- Against
Our Will: Men, Women,
and Rape by Susan
Brownmiller (Bantam
Books, NYC, 1975)
- I
Never Called It Rape by Robin Warshaw
books and others are available
at the
Bookstore under "Violence
Against Women". I hope these
help with your project.
Good luck. Amy |
am 19, and I was sexually
abused by my father between
6 and 12. I see the "flashes"
from my past. I manifest
the sexual disturbances.
I have no excitation.
I've never had an orgasm.
I make love "only
for his pleasure." I feel
a little thing when I
masturbate but I am not
completely sure what it
is. In the street, sometimes
I need to see a man direct
to eyes to excite him
a little bit (I'm not
ugly at all). If he takes
a risk to speak me, I
refuse him firmly. I feel
a pleasure with this kind
of humiliation of men.
After that, I feel nasty,
repugnant. I want to heal.
for your note to
Unfortunately, I'm not
a doctor and therefore,
can't professionally answer
your question. However,
through my work with women's
issues, I am familiar
with many resources in
response to sexual abuse.
I also personally know
many people who have had
similar experiences. In
many instances it takes
talking openly and honestly
about the abuse to be
able to have healthy sexual
relations. In other instances
it takes the trust and
assurance that you lover
can provide to assure
you that sex can be safe
and not violating. Here
are some books I suggest
you take a look at to
help you move toward this
place of safety.
- Your
Inner Child of the Past by W. Hugh Missildine
- Father
Daughter Incest by Judith Lewis Herman
- The
Courage to Heal by Ellen Bass and Laura
- Betrayal
Trauma: The Logic of
Forgetting Childhood
Abuse by Jennifer
J. Freyd
- Breaking
Down the Wall of Silence:
The Liberating Experience
of Facing Painful Truth by Alice Miller
Bookstore (under "Violence
Against Women") for these
books and other ideas. I
hope this helpsand
good luck Amy |
apartment manager where
I live is female and continues
to call me "Miss America"
or "Good Looking." These
terms make me feel very
uncomfortable and seem to
be "put downs." Can sexual
harassment be female to
female? (probably a dumb
question) and can it exist
outside the framework of
employer-employee? Thanks. Mary
sorry that you have been
subjected to comments
that make you feel uncomfortable.
Sexual harassment is a
fine line and I'm not
an expert. From what I
know, I would say "yes"
that it can be "female
to female" and "no" it
does not exist outside
of the framework of the
"employer-employee." If
it falls out of the context
of the workplace, I think
that it becomes verbal
sexual discrimination
or something like that.
As I understand sexual
harassment laws, they
were established to prevent
women and men from being
subjected to unnecessary
and sometimes harmful
comments and gestures
that are gender based.
These comments/gestures
come from a "superior"
and therefore innately
intimidate the employee,
leaving them little room
to speak our against their
"superior." This then
creates an workplace that
it not comfortable to
work in.
As for your situation,
it sounds like a good
first step would be to
simply tell your apartment
manager that although
she may mean for her comments
to be flattering, they
make you feel uncomfortable.
If that doesn't work,
maybe try subtle threats
and if that doesn't work....maybe
look for a new apartment.
I hope that helps. Good
luck. Amy |