am conducting a research project
on women and sport. At the present
I am building the project around
the concepts of Susan Bardo
who states that mainstream ideologies
about biological bodies in Western
society have resulted in the
creation of docile bodies, especially
those of women. I am hoping
through my work to deconstruct
the notion of man's physical
strength and women's lack of
strength. Other topics I will
be discussing are, evolution
theories, socialization, education,
media representation, pornography,
boxing, bodybuilding, and nature/culture
dichotomy. All of which will
be related to women and sport,
any information, would be much
you for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Women and sport is an exciting
topic--since so much has happened
recently with the women's NBA,
the anniversary of title 9 (or
is it 10), and with little leagues
and other women's friendly changes
happening. For information specifically
on women and sports--I think
the best place to start is the
Sports Foundation (800-227-3988).
Also, past issues of Ms.
Magazine have included
related stories. See the FEMINIST.COM
bookstore for books on this topic,
too. Good luck.