The Neutered Mother
Can someone give me a brief
run down on what this book is
about. I'm trying to comprehend
this, but unfortunately I am
not a woman studies major and
I took this class to open up
my eyes on other issues. I was
asked to read this book and
find it dificult to comprehend.
If someone can help me, please
resond. Thank you, Irma
I have not read "The Neutered
Mother" so I am not sure what
it is about. However, given
that "neutered" essentially
means "genderless", I would
assume that this book is getting
at the idea that parenting should
be a shared responsibility.
Because parenting for the most
part has been a "mother's" responsibility--(Have
you ever heard a man ask how
he can combine his career with
parenting?)--perhaps this book
is aspiring to look at parenting
as the shared responsibility
that it should be. Then again.....
maybe I'll totally wrong.