can relate to the inequality
that still exists around birth
certificates. Until recently,
a child automatically had to
have the father's name if it
were on the birth certificate--or
it would be unofficially marked
illegitimate. My mother left
my father before I was born--and
I have never known this man.
Yet, when I was born, I had
to take his name and then years
later I had to go to court to
legally change my name to my
I say this all as a way of saying
that this changed, so I'm hopeful
that the state and federal governments
will soon wake up to the occupation
unfairness, too. To speed up
this process, I want to encourage
you to write to the birth certificate
department and share your disappointment.
It's likely that they aren't
even aware of how unfair this
is. Thanks again for your note.