My name is Buffy and I am a
grad student at CSUN in the
Department of Speech Communicaiton.
I was wondering if you know
where I might find some resources
about women, shopping, and depression,
and how it's all tied together.
Thank you in advance for any
help you might be able to give.
your request, I know that there
are many books on the subject
of women and depression--any
bookstore or library search
can point some of these out.
As for the shopping element,
I haven't seen anything, but
I do believe that it exists.
I remember a few months back
one of those morning talk shows--I
think Sally Jesse Raphael--had
a panel of women all of whom
had high credit card debt--to
the tune of an average of $15,000.
The one common characteristic
among these women was depression.
I don't know if they would admit
to it, but it was clear to any
viewer that they were in unhappy
marriages, had unfullfilled
childhoods and much more.
On another note--for whatever
it is worth--I once heard Gloria
Steinem say something to the
effect of: "Women do two things
to take control over their lives--one,
they get men to fall in love
with them and, two, they go
shopping." For me personally,
I know that shopping is a way
out of depression--and a way
to celebrate having finished