for your note --and for being
a loyal visitor to Feminist.com.
Right before I received your
letter, I was actually at a
meeting in New York City, were
we were planning a concert/party
for gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgendered youth. The groups
at that meeting, which were
most inclusive of transgendered
youth--and perhaps all people--was
the Hetrick-Martin Center, including
their Harvey Milk School, and
(Parents, Families and Friends
of Lesbian and Gays). I know
one person who works with the
latter group, her father is
transgender and she actually
wrote an article on this relationship
in the October/November issue
of Ms.
Magazine. If you send me
your mailing address, I'd be
happy to send this to you--or
maybe the Ms.
Magazine site has the article.
I hope that helps--and that
you'll continue to visit Feminist.com.