actually think of "femininity"
as a quality (like intellect)
that is not dependent on gender.
However, the root of the word
and the way society as stereotyped
it certainly implies that it
is more for women than for men.
In fact, when men have been
labeled feminine for the most
part that is another way of
saying they are gay. I think
this is society's problem though,
not the word.
think that each invididual is
capable of being feminine, but
first we have to ascertain what
that is--for most people it
means soft spoken, calm, beautiful,
sweet, gentle, etc....basically
qualities that have traditionally
been stereotyped to be for women.
I think the only way that it
has been a handicap to women
is that it is prescribed to
us rather than chosen by us--and
it's a further disadvantage
that it is seen as for women
only. Does that help?