I am a 29 year-old male and
I was recently severely reprimanded
by a woman due to my choice
of words. I was talking about
my friend and and how he was
"dating this girl" that he was
going to marry. The woman who
heard the conversation immediately
chastised me for using the word
girl instead of woman. She called
me sexist which is something
I would never consider myself.
However I'm confused. I looked
up the word girl which Webster
defines as "a young female."
While it does also say "sometimes
offensive," how can I be sure
what is the "proper" usage of
the word and what is likely
to offend. This is particularly
vexing in a world full of "Girl
Power," "Grrrrls", "You go Girl!"
and "Girls' night out." I respect
this woman's view on the subject,
but steadfastly believe I am
not sexist because I referred
to a young woman as a "girl"
during the course of conversation.
Any light you could shed on
the subject would be most appreciated.
Thank you, Jeff
personally don't think there
is anything wrong with what
you said or using the word girl.
The problem seems to be one
of context. For instance, I
know many gay friends who use
the word queer, but if this
word were used in another context
it would be negative, insulting,
etc... So I think that girl
is similiar.
you might have just got your
friend in a bad mood--and therefore
she misread your usage as insulting/perjorative.
Who knows, maybe hearing you
use it followed on the heels
of someone else saying "smile
honey." I think explaining that
you meant no harm and that it
was an informal usage should
be fine. At least I hope.