am hoping you can help me find
what I am looking for. I am
looking for spiritual/religious
guidance. However, I don't want
to deal with any organizations
that are anti-feminist, anti-prochoice
or anti-homosexuality. Can you
give me any ideas? I greatly
appreciate any assistance you
can give me. Sincerely, Yvette
for your note. There are several
great feminist theologians--and/or
spiritual advisors. The best
place to start would be Auburn
and/or Union Theological Seminary.
Both are in New York City. I'm
not sure where you are, but
perhaps they could direct you.
There you will find--Hyung Kung
Chung, Emilie Townes, Barbara
(?), Karen Armstrong (occasionally).
There are also several great
books--some by the above mentioned
women. Also, Riane Eisler and
Elaine Pagels. I hope that helps.