I was just wondering how you
feel that activism is changing
in the modern world, not only
in regards to women's issues,
but also human rights and the
environment. Do you see it changing?
I'd appreciate your reply -
think that the biggest change
in activism--today compared
to 20, 30, 40 years ago is that
in previous generations activism
got documented as grand--thousands
of people, marches, protests,
etc... and also that it is brings
change immediately. This is
actually counter to the reality
of activism, which is that smaller
steps lead to bigger steps and
change takes a lot of time--it
rarely happens with one person
or overnight. So today activism
appears less active, but it's
just that people are planting
the seeds, the way they did
in the 40s and 50s for what
came in the 60s and the 70s.
I think also, that activism
is very issue specific--instead
of the environment, it's the
forests or the oceans or pollution.
It's more specific. And today
it involves activism from within
the system as well as from outside
the system. In previous generations
people were ambivalent about
the system and then put pressure
on the system from outside.
Today it needs pressure from
outside and inside. I hope that
helps. Good luck.