am currently a student as Carleton
University and I am writing
a paper on the Feminist Theory
of Law. I am looking for a significant
figure who helped create or
enforce the Feminist Theory
of Law. For example, Thomas
Hobbes helped create Utilitarianism.
Is there any information you
can give me regarding a significant
woman or even any more information
on this subject. Thank you for
your time and your assistance.
Sincerely, Chantal
for your note. I don't know
if there is any one individual
who has been the most significant
to the Feminist Theory of Law,
but rather several feminists
who have excelled at including
women in different areas of
the law--for instance reproductive
freedom (which Francis Kissling
at Catholics
for a Free Choice and anyone
at the Center
for Reproductive Law & Policy
do) or sexual harassment (where
there are experts such as Catharine
Mackinnon--Univ. of Michigan
Law School--and Vicki Schultz--Yale
University Law School).
is also a one-of-a-kind program
at the University of Cincinnati
Center for Women's Studies,
which is the only university
to have a joint degree with
a College of Law, JD, and Women's
Studies, MA. So, I would start
with them.