am currently doing a thesis
on "how literature and its textual
conventions influence and shape
gender roles and impact on one's
perception of male gender".
I would be very interested to
receive any feedback on this
topic as its an area of particular
interest to me. Also, I am looking
at ways of introducing alternative
models of being to boys in school...making
them aware of gender equity
etc. Looking forward to hearing
from you, Yours sincerely, Fionnuala
for your note to Feminist.com
and the very short answer to
your question is to read Susan
Faludi's brand new book
Stiffed, which is all about
masculinity in culture, men,
boys, etc....It's chock-full
of good research. Also, look
through our
Pro-Feminist Men's Groups section
for organizations that are working
with men/boys.