am a young feminist activist
with, I feel, not a lot of everday
real-life power. One situation
I am ashamed to admit is my
now-ex boyfriend has admitted
to watching over 50 pornographic
videos claiming that they are
"funny" and refuses to stop.
He is also unfortuantely a Christian.
I am non religious, I just wanted
to show the already known hypocrisy
there. Anyway, I am writing
him a farewell letter and wanted
to know the single best essay
you can think of to enlighten
a man on pornograpy. I just
got fininshed reading Alice
Walker's womanist approach and
being "white" I don't feel her
references would work for me
though it was a powerful essay.
Please help the many of us in
this situation.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
I'm sorry that you have had
to deal with your ex-boyfriend's
hypocrisy. I, like you, am non-religious
or maybe I'm multi-religious--so
even though I don't buy into
the religious party lines, I
think you should remind him
that he is a sinner for indulging
in pornography. Since that probably
won't go too far, I suggest
Diana Russell's book Against
Pornography, which has
the most repulsive photos of
pornography and underscores
it's subjectification of women
and it's potential danger. (You
can order it c/o Russell Publications,
2018 Shattuck #118, Berkeley,
CA 94704. She also has another
book--Making Violence
Sexy.) Another thought
is Gloria Steinem's article
"Erotica v. Pornography," which
can be found in her book Outrageous
Acts and Everyday Rebellions
(available at the FEMINIST.COM
I hope that helps to persuad
him that his laughs are often
at the expense of someone else.
Thanks for taking the time to
point that out to him. Good