am a single mother, currently
studying an undergraduate degree
in Sociology. I plan to go on
and get my PhD in Family Counselling.
I am looking for information
on Grant or Scholarship programs
out there that fit my demographics.
I am having a hard time finding
any. Do you know of any programs
that offer this type of assistance
to single mothers? Can you steer
me in the direction of any other
organizations to contact? Any
assistance would be greatly
Thank you in advance,
for your not to Feminist.com.
The following are places that
offer scholarships, though each
has a different "specialty:"
- ASTRAEA/National
Lesbian Action Foundation--offers
two scholarship each year--the
Margot Karle Scholarship--call
them at: 212-529-8021.
- The
Cleveland Scholarship Programs,
Inc.--(216) 241-5587
- An
Uncommon Legacy Foundation--Scholarships
to lesbian students in the
Bay Area--www.uncommonlegacy.org
- Third
Wave Foundation--which
go to young women ages 15-30.
I hope something turns up