am requesting your help, or
your referral to someone who
can possibly help me and my
3 children.
I have been divorced since 1995.
My ex-husband does not pay child
support and owes over $60,000.00.
He has filed a lawsuit in the
Missouri courts saying that
the Florida divorce was invalid.
The divorce was not invalid,
as he was served by mail and
in person. I requested that
the Florida courts not allow
the case to be tried in Missouri
on the grounds that this violates
the Constitution and that I
cannot afford to go to Missouri
and fight this, as I have to
work and care for the children.
The case is set to be tried
in January in Jefferson County,
Mo. My ex-husband comes from
a wealthy, well-connected family.
Thus, I am going to need all
of the help that I can get.
I would like to ask for help
from NOW in the courtroom and
perhaps with publicizing this
case. Everyone (including lawyers)
who have seen it say that they
have never seen anything like
Finally, I am trying to contact
Ms. Gloria Allred who is the
best attorney I have ever seen.
Please help. Thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Nancy
for your note and I'm sorry
to hear about your situation.
I worked in a "domestic relations"
law firm for two years, where
I, unfortunately, heard about
many situations similar to yours.
I continue to hear about these
cases through Ask Amy--and
I'm sorry that yours is among
them. The good news is that
the other day I met a woman,
Karen Winner, who has written
a book, Divorced
from Justice, and started
an organization with the same
name. Because she, too, had
heard of many cases such as
yours she wrote this book and
started this organization in
response. I suggest that you
contact her for starters--kwinner@divorcedfromjustice.com;
132 West 28th Street, #5E, New
York, NY 10001; (212) 691-6602.
As for reaching Gloria Allred--the
number that I have is: (213)
653-6530. This is in Los Angeles.
I hope these help. Good luck
to you and to your three children.
I want to thank you, very much,
for your information about Ms.
Winner and Ms. Allred. I have
contacted Ms. Winner andt she
has written back. As a result,
I have joined The Justice
Seekers and Ms. Winner has
agreed to look at my case. She
has been extremely helpful.
In closing, I can not thank
you enough for giving me the
name of Ms. Winner and her wonderful