have to do a project and I have
chosen to do some research into
women and how they are portrayed
on television, i.e. are they
looked on as sexual objects?
At the moment I am finding it
very hard to find any information
on this subject. Would you know
of any books, journals or any
information that may be of interest
to me? I look forward to hearing
from you as soon as possible.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I have been getting many requests
lately about "women's representations
in TV, movies, etc..." this
must be the next area of focus.
There is a book by Ally Acker,
Reel Women: Pioneers of
the Cinema 1896 to the Present,
which I suggest you take a look
at. (You can get it from our
under "Women's History"). There
is also an organization-- New
York Women in Film & Television,
which is mostly a network of
women, but also provides some
information on this topic. (6
East 39th Street, NY, NY 10016-0112;
212-679-0870; fax 212-679-0899.)
There is also Movieline,
which recently did a story on
women in Hollywood--although
this was mostly movie producers,
it did hint at women on television,
too. I hope these suggestions
help -- good luck.