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I am trying to locate resources, specifically regarding women's health and sexuality, in Spanish. I am a North American living in San Pedro Sula, Honduras working in a Home for Girls, the Center for Women's Rights (as well as working in a public health clinic here). The lack of resources on women's health and sexuality here is absolutely egregious, especially for the girls here in the home, who find themselves with horribly insufficient health and sexual education, in an environment where they have trouble finding role models with whom they could discuss questions. If you do have any resources in Spanish, or know where any might be available, it would be a great help. Thank you.

Sincerely, Joanna

Thanks so much for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and for helping to get necessary information to the women of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I have a few suggestions of places that have information on women's health in spanish. For instance, Planned Parenthood of New York City (contact: Melissa_thornton@ppfa.org) has most of their information in Spanish. Also, Catholics for a Free Choice, which is more of an advocacy organization has information in Spanish and even has offices in Latin America. Also, a few years ago Dorothy Fadiman released her film trilogy about abortion and had both the film and the resource material translated into spanish (dbfadiman@aol.com). Also, there is the National Latina Instiute for Reproductive Health (Catalina Bartlett cvbartlett@aol.com or http://www.ncap.com). Please let them know that I suggested you contact them.

Those are starters, but let me know if you need more suggestions. Also, I belong to a listserve of people who work in the area of Reproductive Health--I'd be happy to share your note with them. However, to make this easier on everyone--perhaps you could include your mailing address, so if they have something they could send it directly.


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