I have to do a speech on
female rights in the Middle
East. I have no clue what to
write so could you please e-mail
me as soon as possible and help
me out.
Thanks for
your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Because the "middle east"
is a pretty big area--and,
therefore, includes many diverse
cultures--your project is
likely to be overwhelming.
I do recommend that you try
to focus is around one country,
religion, etc....To help you
do this, there are a couple
of things I suggest you read:
- Thomas Friedman's book--From
Beirut to Jerusalem
- The Price of Honor:
Muslim Women Lift the Veil
of Silence on the Islamic
World by Jan Goodwin.
- Sisterhood Is Global
edited by Robin Morgan--this
includes a synopsis on different
Also, the work of Nawa El Sadawi
(on Muslim society) and Alice
Shalvi (Israel) might lead you
someplace. To find these books--and
more--go to the FEMINIST.COM