work at the Int'l Refugee Center
in Portland, OR and we are putting
together a grant proposal to
increase multilingual information
on domestic violence for non-English
speaking immigrant and refugee
women. We have been asked to
provide translations that have
been looked at by bilingual
lawyers to ensure accuracy of
concepts. Such people are hard
to find and Oregon may not be
the best place. We are looking
for Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese
speaking lawyers (amongst others)
with fluency in English and
a knowledge of domestic violence
issues in the States and generally.
I have contacted the American
Bar Association already. Any
suggestions for other avenues?
As a non-profit we cannot afford
the usual hourly rates for lawyers
and do not have much time to
look for people before the proposal
is due. Any suggestions would
be gratefully received. Thanks.
Deborah, IRCO
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
As for experts on domestic violence
in general, I would contact
the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (99 Hudson
Street, New York, NY 10013;
212-925-6635; Fax 212-226-1066)
They have done extensive legal
research on this issue. They
also probably have a spanish
speaking expert. There is also
the Family Violence Prevention Fund--a national
network of those working to
end domestic violence.
As for a Vietnamese expert,
I would contact the Committee
Against Anti-Asian Violence
in New York City (#212-473-6485).
They work against hate based
crimes and not specifically
domestic violence, but domestic
violence is also a big part
of their work. As for a Russian
expert, my suggestions are limited--the
Russian Embassy or Consultate
in New York City and/or the
Network of East-West Women. The former
might work since I just read
that Yeltsin wants to reduce
crime--hopefully he'll see this
as a crime. As for the latter,
this is a group of feminist
writers working across national
boundaries. They will most likely
have feminist writers versed
on this issue in their network.