am trying to find resources
(books, articles, contact addresses,
etc.) to write my dissertation
at the London School of Economics
in England. I have chosen to
explore the links between neoliberal
economic policies in Latin America
and their effect on women. Moreover,
I want to compare these policies
to 'machismo' and demonstrate
that they are linked together
because both are exclusionary
of women. Do you think that
you could point me in the right
direction? I would appreciate
any info. you can provide. Thank
you very much, L.
for your note and as for your
question I am not very well
versed in anything "neoliberal"
let alone "neoliberal economic
policies", but I do suggest
that you contact:
- Madre,
which has done extensive work
in Latin America on women's
issues--(121 West 27th Street,
Room 301; New York, New York
10001)--so that may be a place
to start.
- 2.)
There is also the Feminist Majority Foundation, which has done
a lot of work on redoing the
U.S. budget to reflect feminist
values. They may know of a
Latin American equivalent.
Good luck and thanks for thinking