I am currently doing
a project about reproductive
rights in India, and the discussion
will include the issue of abortion,
for example, unsafe abortion,
post abortion care, lack of
facilities etc. One of the assessment
criteria is a global to local
aspect. Do you have any information
or can you recommend any websites
concerning abortion/reproductive
rights issues in different countries?
I look forward to hearing from
you - Jatinder
Alan Guttmacher Institute, is
a U.S. based organization that
does work international on reproductive
rights issues - they have done
a number of studies specifically
on women in India and their
reproductive rights. You can
reach them at: www.agi-usa.org. Also, the International Planned Parenthood and
the Population
Council have done a lot
work in India. There are many
others, but these are the largest
- and probably likely to have
information on their websites.
I hope that helps.