Holy Lamb Organics is a women run show. We manufacture a line of organic bedding, baby & bath products made with organic cotton fabric and pure wool fill. Our product line includes: bed & body pillows, orthopedic neck pillows, comforters, mattress tops, sheets, baby, bath & gift registry. It started with a simple idea while I was backpacking in the redwoods with my closest girlfriend in 2000. The rough idea became polished with each mile so that by the time I returned to my home in Olympia, WA, I was ready to start my business. Today, we are the leading natural bedding manufacturer in the Northwest offering both retail and wholesale sales. Our goal is to provide a high quality product using only the finest materials possible, to institute efficient and ecological practices, and to provide a high level of customer service.
We are proud to run a business that produces zero waste. All of our by-products are turned into resources through recycling or composting. For example, we make efficient use of all of our fabric and wool with only the tiniest of scraps being composted using vermiculture (worms). All of our in-house products are custom made right in Olympia, WA using wool from our local bio-region as opposed to imported wool from overseas. This is a conscious business choice, helping to support the much-depressed economy of the United States sheep farmers. We choose wool instead of down, because unlike the birds who are undermined during feather harvesting, sheep grow a coat of wool each year and are not harmed during the shearing process. We also exclusively use organic cotton fabric.
Thank you for your interest in Holy Lamb Organics.
In Committment to Organics,
-Willow Whitton
Willow Whitton
Olympia WA
(360) 402-5781