Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I'm not a physician--nor a mental
health provider, so I can't
give you an official diagnosis.
(FYI--I said mental health provider,
because eating disorders are
classified under mental health.)
However, I am a young woman
who did have an eating disorder
(bulimia--when I felt like I
ate too much I would make myself
vomit), so I can offer my own
experience as well as that of
others that I see through FEMINIST.COM
and friends.
One of the most obvious signals
of eating disorders is an inability
to see yourself as you really
are--hence the reason that you
think you aren't thin enough
and others think you are perfect.
Another signal is that your
weight becomes an obsession.
That said, I am worried about
you. I think that you should
listen to your body. You are
a dancer, so, one, you need
to sustain yourself, and, two,
given this amount of daily exercise,
I'm sure that you will find
a natural balance. Going to
extremes--i.e. binging and starving
will hurt you and eventually
your dancing career. I hope
that you will listen to your
friends and family --- and to
yourself. Please keep healthy
and see a doctor if you don't
think that this is possible.
You are not only starving yourself
of calories, but of nutrition
and strength. Eat, dance and
I'm sure you will find a balance.
Take care of yourself.