Hello, do you have any information
on familial polyposis? If so,
does your info find more women
than men w/this disease? Thanks,
Thanks for your note to Feminist.com.
In response to your question
about "familial polyposis" I
learned the following from the
Boston Women's Health Book Collective's
Ourselves Growing Older."
(available from the Feminist.com
Bookstore). "Colorectal
cancer is the third most common
cancer among women in the U.S.....Who
Is at Higher Than Usual Risk....People
with bowel diseases which are
not cancer in themselves but
often lead to cancer--i.e. familial
polyposis--in this condition,
the bowel is studded with polyps
and examinations should begin
much earlier, even in adolescence.
The disease is inherited and
leads to cancer in 50 percent
of the cases. Close blood relatives
of anyone who has this condition
should be examined early and
periodically, for they might
develop the same life-threatening
I hope that helps