I'm interested in information
about private disability insurance
(loss of work capability) in
USA. In Israel, pregnant women
are discriminated against and
are only entitled to National
Security if they lose their
ability to work due to their
pregnancy or giving birth, thus
their private insurance for
which they paid for all their
lives becomes futile. We try
to change this situation in
Israel, and we had some success.
Are you interested in any additional
information? What is the situation
in USA? Are women insured against
complications due to pregnancy
and child birth? Is this insurance
included in their standard work
capability insurance? Yours,
am by no means an insurance
expert, so for whatever it is
worth...I would assume that
if there were "complications
due to pregnancy and child birth"
this would be covered by standard
medical insurance rather than
disability insurance. (As you
may know the U.S. health care
system is not socialized therefore
it is dictated by the powerful
private insurance industry.)
Disability insurance might go
into affect after a certain
point, which would only make
sense. I suggest that you contact
Working Mother Magazine,
which may or may not have done
a story on this topic and therefore,
have on hand any relevant research.
Similarly, they may be very
interested in what is happening
in Israel. (Working Mother,
135 West 50th Street, 16th Floor,
New York, New York 10020; #212-445-6100)
Sorry, I couldn't be of further
assistance and good luck.