would just like to commend you
for the article you ran on
eating disorders by Cheryl
Alcon. I, too, am a recovering
anorexic, and now that I have
read this...I wonder if I would
have been considered a compulsive
eater as well. It really hit
close to home. I've been out
of therapy for three years now,
and although I've had many set
backs, I know I am improving.
I'm majoring in clinical-developmental
psychology, and any other articles
on this would help me tremendously.
If you know of any, please let
me know. Also the poems, within
the article, were beautiful.
Is there any way I can get in
touch with the girls who wrote
them? Thank you for the article,
again, and for your time. Sincerly,
I wanted to pass along a few
resources. Have you heard of
Joan Blumberg's Fasting Girls?
There was also a great article
in Essence a couple
of years ago about black women
and anorexia/bulimia. Also,
a few years ago, when Christina
Hoff Sommer's book came out
attacking anorexia/bulimia,
I did lots of research on this
topic and spoke with many doctors.
Unfortunately, it is a disease
that continues to affect many
women (although approx. 10 percent
of the cases are men) and it
also leads to approximately
40,000 deaths each year. This
disease is also not helped by
advertisements that present
unrealistic expectations for
Good luck and let me know if
you want more information.
P.S. To try to get in touch
with the girls who wrote the
poems, you might want to contact
Teen Voices Magazine, which
published the article.