I am a 2nd year law student
at Widener University School
of Law in Harrisburg, PA. As
part of my Gender and the Law
seminar, I have chosen to write
about female genital mutilation
and how legislation will not
be sufficient to end this practice.
While I have interviewed some
women who have seen cases of
FGM, I have been unsuccessful
in contacting a woman who has
undergone FGM herself. If there
is any way that you could put
me in contact with someone who
has had FGM, it would be greatly
appreciated. Sincerely, Christine
should contact Equality
Now, who has done extensive
work around this issue. They
have worked with Fauziya Kasinga, who left Togo so as not to
have to be genitally mutilated,
and Efua Dorkenoo, who is based
in London, but originally from
Ghana. Efua's organization,
FORWARD, has done extensive
work on this issue in London
and directly in Africa. I am
not sure if she herself has
been genitally mutilated. There
is also Mimi Ramsey, who was
genitally mutilated as a little
girl and who now works tirelessly
so that other girls do not have
to experience this unnecessary
pain and trauma. You can also
reach her through Equality
Now. - Good luck - and let
me know if you need more information.