Please add my voice to those
expressing delight over your
wonderful site, and the exceptional
information gathered in one
place; this looks like a resource
I will be visiting quite a bit.
I'm a special education teacher
in Wrightstown, Wisconsin. A
few weeks ago I started a course
I'm temporarily calling "Social
Skills" for girls in grades
7-12 who are in a special ed
program, either with learning
disabilities or emotional disorders.
As you can probably surmise,
many of these young ladies have
significant problems with their
self concept. They can find
it hard to believe that their
strengths and talents can take
them anywhere, if they would
believe in themselves.
Any suggestions on topics, research
results, or additional women
that I could ask about this
project would be *greatly* appreciated.
I feel very greedy asking this
of you, when you've already
provided so much on your site
already, but I can use all the
help I can get. I'm planning
to ask our school librarian
to subscribe to It's a Living! Career News for Girls
as soon as I see her tomorrow.
Thanks! Sincerely, Brenda
for your note to Feminist.com
and for your encouraging words
about the site. The work you
are doing sounds great--and
so obviously needed. This is
the exact age range that can
"make or break a person"--knowing
that even one person cares enough
to help make a difference in
their lives is enough incentive
to keep them motiviated to make
a difference in their own lives.
As for resources....look at
previous Ask Amy's under
Girls--also contact the Ms. Foundation for Women - they have done
an extensive survey on girls
programming and as a result
are in contact with many programs
across the country that deal
with girls and their development.
They, too, have designed a curriculm
for girls to accompany their
project Take Our Daughters To Work Day.
Good luck--and thanks for all
the work that you are doing.
I wish I had had a teacher who
knew that girls could have careers.