Your site is really a beacon
of hope. That there are people
out there who don't think feminism
is a dirty word, that people
care about women. Thank you.
daughter is three and I have
been despairing of finding good
books for her that feature women
who don't wait to be rescued,
are evil old crones, get killed
in the end, etc. I have tried
amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com,
and even some feminist bookstores.
From the latter there are some
options, but for older children.
amazon and barnesandnobles.com
shamefully have almost nothing.
It is absolutely shocking that,
if you look at any children's
book section, you will see unnecessary
gender characterizations, even
of animals (Peter, Mickey),
insects (Jiminy), machines (Thomas),
and even trees, skies, houses,
tools - the list is depressing.
give me some recommendations,
apart from the 600 Great Books
for Girls, etc. I live in a
non-English-speaking country
where English books are hard
to find, and would really appreciate
a recommendation or so. Am I
the only mother of a daughter
who wonders about this? Am I
overdoing it? Again, thank you
for your work and thanks in
advance. All the best, Saskia
don't think that you are the
only parent who thinks about
the lack of good books for girls,
but clearly not enough people
are thinking about this. If
that was the case, I would hope
the prospects would look so
bleak. I have three suggestions
for books:
The Feminist
Press, which has published
books for girls and women. They
are located C/O the City University
of New York.
The National
Women's History Project
has great books for girls about
women's history.
About two years ago Pam Nelson
started Girl Press - a publishing house to publish
great books for girls. They
are based in Los Angeles.
hope those suggestions help,
but mostly I hope that with
collective energy we can change
the landscape of children's