I'm 12 years old and my name
is Cassie. I live in Georgia
and just moved here from Illinois.
I have always wanted to change
materialism and feminism. I
believe deeply that men, women,
black, white, fat, thin, tall,
short, 1, to 100 years old we
all should be heard. That is
one thing I struggle with -
being heard and taken seriously.
I believe that just because
I'm not old enough to vote I
won't be listened to. I also
believe that children are our
most important resource and
we have something to say. We
are the ones that are going
to rule the world, listen to
I'm writing to offer my help.
Is there anything I can do to
help? Perhaps start a young
women's column? Thank you. Sincerely,
so much for your note to Feminist.com.
I apologize for not writing
sooner, but I am in the midst
of co-writing a book--and have
been buzy writing the last chapter,
which is appropriately entitled
"What is Activism." I saw "appropriately"
because what you are doing/want
to do is a perfect example of
that. For instance, we are making
that point one is never too
young to be an activist, in
fact, most social justice movements
begin as youth movements. So
looking to youth is truely looking
to the future.
are also an example of something
that we are trying to say in
our first Chapter, which is
"What is Feminism"-and that
is--that feminism is about breaking
barriers that affect anyone--"men,
women, black, white, fat, thin,
tall, short, 1, to 100 years
Another very good point in your
letter is that "just because
I'm not old enough to vote I
won't be listened to"--in fact,
because you can't vote and other
people can is all the more incentive
for people to listen to you--for
instance, so they can vote on
behalf of those who can't yet
vote. I always try to take that
into consideration when I vote--for
instance, I think of myself
as voting for myself--and the
majority--what's in the best
insterest of the most people.
So I will certainly be thinking
of you when I go to vote this
November 2nd.
As for what you can do...first
where do you live in Georgia?
I think starting locally is
the best place to start -- and
I happen to a know a few good
things going on in the Georgia
area, so depending on where
you live I could put you in touch with those good deeds. Also, I love the idea of you writing a column for your local
newspaper. The Boston Globe, which the biggest newspaper
in the Boston area, has a "kids section" where they include
lots of writing by kids. Perhaps you want to to write to your
local paper and suggest that
they do the same. Also, Feminist.com
has a column called Remember
the Ladies which focuses
on a piece of women's history. I could put you in touch with the woman who does
this column and maybe you could write one.
Let me know--and mostly just
keep speaking your mind. That's the best anyone can do.