would like some information
about modern feminism. I have
two daughters (14 & 12). I have
always taught them to be open
minded and explore questions
they may have. I have taught
them to go to the best source
they can for information. So,
I am here to ask: what is the
state of modern feminism? I
hear about "feminism" on T.V.,
radio, newspapers, and such.
I want to know your viewpoint.
Thank You for your time, Anthony
you for your note to FEMINIST.COM
--and for caring enough about
your daughters to let them be
them. It sounds like there should
be more fathers like you.
I just saw a great film--Girls
Like Us--which profiles
over four years (from ages 14-18)--six
girls growing up in South Philadelphia.
The issues that they are mostly
grappling with are 1.) boys
and sex and 2.) college/education/life's
goals. In number one, it was
clear that regardless of how
much information was out there,
what seemed to have the biggest
impact on these girls was not
only a parent that said 'if
you want to have sex use condoms'
but a parent who was a friend
and who spoke as openly about
their life as they did about
their own. As for the second
issue, it was clear that there
is still so much out there that
limits the choices available
to girls and women.
Both of these points, lead to
explaining where feminism is....as
you may know feminism, by definition,
means the full social, political
and economic equality of all
women. To elaborate on this,
I think it means having enough
information and resources to
make informed choices about
out lives. The First wave of
feminism in this country, which
began in the 1800s and lasted
through the 1920s, worked to
secure basic rights for women--the
right to vote, own property,
inherit, etc... The Second Wave
of feminism, which evolved around
the mid-1960s, was really about
using these rights and about
opening up opportunities to
women. It was also about having
resources--like domestic violence
shelters, birth control pills,
medical research done about
women--that empowered us to
take control over our lives.
Today, the reality is that many
women still don't have access
to these resources and/or know
that these resources are available
to them. Likewise, while women
have 'proved that they can do
what men can do'--in order to
move feminism forward 'men have
to prove that they can do what
women can do'--like be more
active parents (which doesn't
seem to be your issue), fighting
for equal pay for work of equal
value and empowering themselves
to organize men who batter to
stop battery as much as women
organize women who are battered.
Personally, I think its about
showing and telling your daughters
that they can be anything that
they already are--and do anything
that they want to. It's also
about providing them with enough
examples to show that them that
everything they do matters and
they can do anything. There
may be some links in our Parenting,
Children and Community section
that you might also find helpful.
Good luck and thanks for writing.