am a college graduate with a
degree in psychology who has
worked the last 3 years since
graduation in the very unfulfilling
field of retail management.
I am interested in possibly
going back to school to do research
(and maybe affect public policy
) in such areas as girl's self-esteem,
gender in the media, etc. Obviously,
at this point, I am not qualified
to apply for a grant to do anything
on my own, but I would like
to be directly involved with
the people who do such research.
My questions - How does one
get involved in this field?
Is this "Women's studies"? "Media
studies"? Who actually does
this type of research? Thanks
so much. - Melissa
learn more about the area of
"girls self-esteem, gender in
the media,..." there are a number
of types of organizations that
you can contact--and for all
of them I do think that psychology
is a good place to have started.
Some of these organizations
grow out of academia; some out
of the world of not-for-profit-organizations;
some out of the public sector
and more and more out of the
private sector, which is good
and bad.
There are a couple of organizations
that I recommend you begin with:
- The
Wellesly College Center for
Research on Women--which
is a "think tank" of sorts
on issues impacting women
and girls. Many of their efforts
recently have been on girls.
They are based in Wellesley,
- The
American Association of University
Women has sponsored a
number of studies on girls
and girls development. They
are based in Washington, DC.
- Faye
Wattleton, former president
of the Planned
Parenthood Federation of American--has
recently started the Center
for Gender Equity here
in New York City. I imagine
that this center will generate
much of this research.
- The
Foundation for Women--who
created "Take Our Daughters
to Work Day" are pioneers
in the area of girls. They
are based in New York City,
- There
is also the Harvard Education
Program, which brought
to us the work of Carol Gilligan
and many others.
can also contact your local Representative
or Senator
to inquire about what work is
being done around women/girls
in your area. If you don't trust
your Senator/Representative, most
of the female Senators/Representatives
should know what is happening.
As for media--there is actual
media--such as Ms.
Magazine, HUES
Magazine, Teen
Voices, New
Moon--all of which are
promoting a healthier world
for women and girls. There are
also media watchdog groups doing
this work. There is FAIR
(Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting)
based in New York City with
its own Women's
Desk. I hope these suggestions
help -- good luck.