name is Nora and I'm 12 years
old. Recently (mainly this summer)
I've started to form some feminist
beliefs and I'm reading a lot
of feminist books and basically
I've turned into a major feminist.
Now, I know that this may sound
like a bunch of hooey coming
from a 12-year-old, but that's
my problem: I'm too young to
do anything about it, and people
won't take me seriously because
my age doesn't even have a "teen"
on the end. The other day someone
said I was "too young" to know
what feminism is. I don't want
to brag here, that's not what
I'm trying to do at all, but
I skipped a grade and so I'm
with people a year or more older
than me and people are always
saying I'm so mature and I wish
people would just take me seriously
based on who I am, not the fact
that I'm twelve and I don't
look old enough to firmly believe
in anything. I've been to all
the websites (gurl.com, girlzone.com,
girltech.com, etc.) and I read
Bust magazine and Teen Voices
but I just feel like there's
no one my age who cares about
anything I do. I'm writing to
ask you if you know of any organizations
for SERIOUS young feminists,
any summer camps, any magazines,
any websites, anything like
that. I've had enough of "Girl
Power!" and "Girls Rule, Boys
Drool;" I'm ready for something
serious. Books just aren't enough.
want to set the record straight
from the beginning that no one
is too young to be a feminist.
In fact, we need more people
who come to feminism at an earlier
age. One, because it will hopefully
mean that we are closer to equality;
and Two, the older people are,
the more they tend to treat
feminism as an institution,
not as a collective of individuals.
Younger people tend to be freer
and therefore, more likely to
allow for individuality. So,
it's confirmed: you are certainly
as much of a feminist as Gloria
Steinem is at the age of 66.
for organizations, some of it
depends on where you live. One
of the first places I want to
recommend is Third
Wave Foundation, a national
organization for young feminist
activists. Our target range
is 15-30, but our members range
in age from 9 to 81 - it's more
of a mentality than a strict
guide. I'm biased since I co-founded
Wave, but I think it's great.
The problem is that we only
have active chapters in New
York City, San Francisco, and
Madison, Wisconsin - so if you
are near one of those places
you can actually go to meetings
and events! Otherwise, you will
get action alerts, our voting
guide, our newsletter, and a
connection to 5,000 other like-minded
people. There is also Girls
Speak Out and a book by
this same name. They have chapters
across the country, but I don't
know where. The same goes for
Inc., which has chapters
scattered across the U.S. So
check out some of these places--and
thanks for setting an example
for others.