my problem: I'm in a club at
school, it's called Women's
Issues (feminist issues). But
a lot of the girls are faux-feminists:
their #1 priorities are fashion
and flirting, "Seventeen" is
their bible. They project an
image of being sluts that stick
desperately to boys, even though
it's those boys who abuse them
and insult them. Grades are
at the bottom of their list
of importance. School is #1
on mine, and I'm seriously interested
in real women's issues. Their
attitudes have a large effect
on the discussions we have,
and I don't feel comfortable
stating my opinion because I'm
nervous of a backlash from the
whole group. How do I get them
to think for themselves and
realize the positions they're
in, without calling them idiots?
Also, I have a personal problem.
I've been a very shy person
since age five or so. Before
that, I was very outgoing and
said exactly what I thought.
I can still have a big mouth
if want to, but I'm scared to
death of speaking in front of
groups and people I don't know.
I dread working in pairs and
groups because I'm so nervous
that the people I'm with will
jump on me if I slip-up, or
possibly hate me (I know it
sounds stupid, but I can't help
it!). If a person insults me,
I turn the other cheek. I hate
myself when I do that. It takes
me a whole year to be comfortable
with a teacher, and with boys
- forget it, it's a lost case.
When I go into a room and sit
by myself (if there are no friends
to sit with), it's just because
I'm afraid of being rejected.
I walk with my head high because
I have pride in myself. But
my parents tell me (it's probably
true) that people can see me
as snobby or aloof, not knowing
that I'm just shy. I'm assertive
and loud (obnoxious, really)
with my friends and family,
but I can't get over my shyness
otherwise. Help! Sincerely,
Sarit Henig
I was reading your note, I felt
like I was reading my own thoughts
when I was your age. I had an
additional problem, too, which
is that I was convinced that
everyone knew more about anything
than I did. I also for too long
felt that I was so lucky when
someone was my friend not understanding
that they were lucky, too. So
the good news is that you are
many steps ahead of me when
I was your age--so the really
good news is that in most instances
life works itself out and you
are able to put all of those
akward feelings aside. Actually,
what you are going through is
a very common occurance for
women/girls. This phenonmenon
has been talked about a lot
in recent years--by Carol Gilligan
in her book In A Different
Voice, Mary Phipher in her
book Reviving Ophelia,
and by the Ms.
Foundation for Women in
their program Take Our Daughters
To Work Day. (Many others
have talked about it, too--these
are just the most visible cases.)
What these people's work has
revealed is that girls tend
to "lose their voice" at age
7,8,9,10--and retreat inside
of themselves. This self then
re-emerges later in life. For
me, it was in my 20's, for some
women it wasn't until they were
in their 50's. How this self
emerges -- or what helps it
along -- is another story and
one I'm not quite sure about.
I think that it ultimately comes
down to belief in yourself.
I think that it also comes down
to other people's belief in
you--parents, supportive friends,
maybe a boyfriend, or a mentor.
Essentially, any person who
is going to say--you are special,
smart, unique, wonderful. You
seem to have that--now you just
have to trust it more often.
It also involves taking risk.
For instance, the next time
you walk into the cafeteria,
ask if you can sit with someone
else. If they say "no"-pretend
like you didn't want to sit
there in the first place. I
bet you will find that they
are happy sitting there. To
get over your shyness, just
treat everyone as if they were
friends or family. This goes
back to the risk taking part.
As for the other girls in your
Women's Issues club--the reality
is that their fakeness is likely
to catch up with them. The other
reality, unfortunately, is that
if you try to "out" them there
will likely be a backlash. So
I think it's best to try to
get to them more subtly. Maybe
you have to fight "fire with
fire." For instance take an
issue of Seventeen that
has an article about "sex"--and
let that be your topic. You
can pose questions such as--what
is safe sex? how can women enjoy
sex? Or take Seventeen's
models--you could talk about
whether or not they were healthy
or do they encourage eating
disorders. These issues--sex
and eating disorders--might
be too much for those girls--so
you might have to find something
else. The point is to find something
that is seemingly about Seventeen,
but underneath really has a
much greater weight on women's
lives. I went to school with
these girls too. The funny thing
is that later in life when I
was talking to the guys we went
to school with, they all saw
right through them too. So,
these girls, too are probably
revealing more than anyone understands
right now.
I hope this helps, but if not,
please write again so I can
give you more incentive to be
the naturally wonderful person
that you obviously are. Good
luck and thanks again for writing
and sharing.