Genital Mutilation (FGM)
by Fran P. Hosken
The number of mutilated women and girls
in Africa and the Middle East is increasing
steadily due to population growth, according
to the latest estimates published by WIN
NEWS. But internationally financed
population, health and safe motherhood
programs ignore Female Genital Mutilation
(FGM) and have failed to implement effective
preventive education.
The mutilation most often performed is
Clitoridectomy or Excision
- cutting off, without anesthetic, the
clitoris and most of the external genitalia.
This is practiced in a broad area from
the Red Sea to the Atlantic Coast.
The most dangerous operation, Infibulation
or Pharaonic Circumcision, is customary
in Sudan, Somalia, Northern Kenya, parts
of Ethiopia and all along the Red Sea
Coasts as well as in West Africa in parts
of Mali and adjoining areas. After
the clitoris is excised and all external
genitalia are carved away, the bleeding
raw edges of the large lips are held together
by thorns or other fastening devices -
until a scar forms to close the entrance
to the vagina. The legs of the little
girl are tied together for several weeks
until the wound heals; a tiny opening
is created by inserting a splinter of
wood - to allow urination. Thus virginity
- which is considered especially important
by Moslem men - can be proven before the
bride price is paid to the father.
dangerous operations result in permanent
health damage: hemorrhage and shock,
which may be fatal; many infections including
tetanus, scarring which obstructs normal
childbirth and may result in death of
both mother and baby; infertility due
to infections. The operations are performed
on children only a few days old up to
puberty - depending on the ethnic groups.
They cause urinary and menstrual problems,
frigidity, painful intercourse and obstructed
labor: the highest childbirth mortality
is recorded in areas where FGM is practiced.
FGM has been cited by WHO (World Health
Organization) as a major public health
problem. At the WHO Seminar in Khartoum
on Traditional Practices Affecting the
Health of Women and Children (1979),
the nine African and Middle Eastern countries
which participated formulated four ground-breaking
recommendations for abolishing FGM, urging
that health education and health training
programs should be organized. Fran
P. Hosken, who was temporary advisor on
FGM to the WHO Seminar documents in The
Hosken Report: Genital and Sexual Mutilation
of Females case histories from most
African countries where FGM is practiced,
including the South of the Arab Peninsula.
In Malaysia and Indonesia a less drastic
operation is performed by some Moslem
population groups.
1984 at a conference in Dakar to follow
up on the WHO Seminar, the Inter-African
Committee (IAC) on Traditional Practices
Affecting the Health of Women and Children
was organized by African Women to prevent
and eradicate FGM. The IAC, a private
organization with offices in Addis Ababa
and Geneva, now has affiliates in more
than 24 African countries and sponsors
many activities as well as education programs
to stop FGM. Recently FGM has been prohibited
in Kenya by President arap Moi, and by
leaders of many West African countries
- but no preventive actions followed,
except in Burkina Faso which started a
national campaign in 1988.
Universal Childbirth Picture Book/CBPB
- with Additions to prevent Excision and
Infibulation were developed in support
of the WHO seminar recommendations by
Women's International Network. The CBPBs
in English, French and Arabic are distributed
all over Africa. Recently a Somali translation
was published. More than 70,000 of these
graphic teaching materials have been distributed
in Africa to explain reproduction in pictures
regardless of language or literacy. WIN
NEWS, a quarterly journal, has covered
women and development around the world
since 1975, regularly publishes information
and news about FGM. Fran P. Hosken, the
editor and publisher, is encouraging open
discussion of FGM and urges more support
for African women working for eradication
of FGM. She is available for interviews
and has lectured at conferences worldwide.
reported in WIN NEWS, immigrants from
Africa/Middle East continue to perform
the mutilations on their daughters in
Europe, North America or wherever they
go; in France several little girls
from West Africa died as a result of mutilations
done in Paris. In England, special legislation
was passed to prohibit FGM and education
programs were publicly funded. Most European
countries have taken steps to prevent
FGM which is classified as criminal child
abuse in most of the world and cited as
a human rights violation. In Canada, FGM
is prohibited under child abuse laws.
In 1993 special legislation to prohibit
FGM in the US was introduced in Congress.
International Network is distributing
free CBPBs to local Community and
Women's Groups, Clinics, Midwifery Schools
and Training Programs all over Africa
to all who are willing to work for the
eradication of FGM. This successful grass
roots program, which is regularly reported
in WIN NEWS, urgently needs sponsors
and support. Contributions to WIN are
tax-deductible in the USA.
NEWS/Fran P. Hosken, editor, 187 Grant
St., Lexington, MA 02420-2126, USA. Tel:
(781) 862-9431, E-mail
[email protected]
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