for your note to Feminist.com.
From your note, I couldn't tell
if you had already read Robin
Morgan's book-- Sisterhood
is Global. If you haven't
I suggest that you do. I also
couldn't tell if you had accessed
information about the Sisterhood is Global Institute. If
you haven't, I suggest that
you do. Another book I suggest
that you read, is a new anthology
about women's writings from
600 BCE to the present--Women
Imagine Change. This
anthology contains writings
by women from all different
countries and time periods.
Other organizations that can
provide you with information
about women's groups around
the world are: The
Global Fund for Women, based
in Menlo Park, CA; UNIFEM, which is a program of
the United Nations in New York
City, New York; and the International Women's Tribune Centre
also based in New York City.
If all of these suggestions
are "old news" to you, please
let me know and I will make
further recommendations. Additionally,
if you would like more specific
information, please let me know
and I will see what I can send
to you. Good luck with your