my name is Rachael and I am
writing because I am going to
be a Resident Assistant at San
Francisco State University starting
this fall for an all women's
floor. The purpose of the floor
is to get a group of women together
who are interested in issues
concerning women, to educate
one another as well as the rest
of the residential community
and the local community outside
of the residence halls. I am
nervous because this will be
the first year for a floor like
this, and my first year as an
R.A. I wanted to know if you
could point me in the direction
of some resources I could use
to help organize the women I
will be working with. I would
appreciate any help you could
offer. Thank You, Rachael
Thank you for your note to feminist.com--and
I loved learning about your
floor. I went to an all women's
college, so every floor was
an all women's floor with at
least a minimal level of social
consciousness. I think the nature
of being on an all women's floor
with some sort of organizing
link will be invaluable. You
might want to start by offering
weekly discussion groups focussed
around an issue of potential
importance to college women--like
eating disorders, women in film,
sex, managing your money, activism
in everyday life, etc...You
also might want to initiate
a book group. Because you are
in school, people probably don't
have much extra time for reading,
so maybe instead of a book you
could do an article from Ms.
Magazine, Time, etc....You
could even do a comparison between
the two.