you so much for your note and
for lending your support to
ensuring the equality of all
people. As many feminists say,
the we have half way towards
equality--we have examples of
women doing what men can do,
but we still have too few examples
of men doing what women can
do--especially childrearing.
As a white person and as a heterosexual,
I know that I need to say "that
isn't funny" to racist and homophobic
jokes. For some reason it has
a greater effect if the "other"
person says it. Following this
example, I think that it is
important for men to say "why
aren't there more female CEO's
or why are women 99% of secretaries?"
in order to get us to a more
equal place.
So any support you can lend
will be greatly welcomed. You
might want to check out our
section of Pro-Feminist
Men's Groups for more ideas
and resources. Good luck to
you--and on behalf of women
everywhere, thanks for believing
that feminism involves men,