day - I'm a junior at Northern
State University in Aberdeen,
South Dakota and I'm writing
my practice disertation on Gloria
Steinem's early years (pre-1974)
and I'm having difficulty finding
some information on her. Specifically,
I'm looking for a copy of her
essay entitled, "The Un-Opposite
Sex" that she wrote about her
father. If possible, could someone
please download from a computer
file and e-mail it to me or
send me an e-mail on sources
that I could use to find this?
Thank you very much for your
time and patience. - Jo
information about Gloria Steinem
pre-1974 you should see her
introduction, "Life Between
the Lines", to Outrageous
Acts and Everyday Rebellions,
which talks about these years
(Visit the Feminist.com
Bookstore to buy this book)
. There is also a biography
by Carolyn Heilbrun, The
Education of A Woman, which
goes into great detail about
these years. As for "The Un-Opposite
Sex," that was an article that
Gloria wrote for either Time
or Newsweek. A
call to their research departments
should bring this up. Good luck.