I am a student that goes to
a large school in Missouri.
I am very interested in the
feminist movement, so interested,
that we got to choose topics
to present on and I chose The
women's movement, and NOW, the
National Organization for Women.
I was wondering if you could
send me some information about
anything that you have, maybe
buttons flyers or just text,
that would really help me out.
for your note and for your interest
in the women's movement. Since
this is a very broad and inclusive
subject, I don't think it's
possible to have only one answer.
For this reason, I suggest that
you go look under Feminism
here at Ask Amy - these
questions and answers should
give you some examples of where
the women's movement is--where
it's been and where it's going.
If, after reading these, you
have specific questions, please
feel free to ask me. As for
the National
Organization for Women,
you should contact them directly
about information pertaining
to them.