am a young white male. I do
not consider myself a feminist,
or a mysogynist; my philosophy
is equalist. I have some questions
concerning your group:
1) Is FEMINIST.COM for or against
affirmative action?
2) Is FEMINIST.COM for or against
3) What, in your beliefs, is
the proper definition of sexual
4) FEMINIST.COM makes a list
of women-owned businesses. Is
it more important for a woman
to make money then a man?
5) Does FEMINIST.COM believe
in women and men working together
toward goals or in the seperatist
6) Is FEMINIST.COM in support
of gay equality?
cannot speak for FEMINIST.COM,
which is an organization of
many individuals, therefore,
the following is only my personal
1) I am for affirmative action
programs as a way of ensuring
that every qualified person
has equal access to jobs.
2) I am against pornography
which degrades, exploits, and
victimizes women and children.
I am for erotica, which promotes
equal sexual exploration.
3) Sexual harrassment is when
an employer makes sexually explicit
comments and gestures toward
an employee (as defined by the
employee) and further makes
these advances while hindering/encouraging
advancement in the workforce.
4) It is equally important for
women and men to make money.
5) We--men and women--cannot
survive without working together.
6) I would support your right
to be gay as much as I would
support your right to be heterosexual.