you focus on Humanity rather
than women you will make a greater
impact in the world. How can
I learn about a woman, how to
treat a woman, and the issues
on how women effect society
if you only focus on empowering
women as if she is going to
battle. If you have a son, and
only focus on women, then is
that son going to grow to be
a man, or a man with a woman's
perspective? I prefer to get
insight from men, and women
so that common ground is found,
and objectiveness is taught.
Remember if you only focus on
women's rights, then what are
women to do if they have a son?
- Beth
afraid that you have missed
the entire point of feminism,
which is liberating the individual.
Historically the focus has been
on women because women have
been at a disadvantage because
they weren't included as equal
citizens. As that has changed,
focus has also been put on men.
Certainly, men, too, need to
be liberated from their traditional
masculine roles. I think the
best way to begin is for individual
men to use their personal examples
to inspire others. As for the
term humanity--until human rights
fully include women's rights,
we will need a separate women's
rights movement agitating for
that inclusion. Thanks for sharing
your thoughts.