am writing a final paper for
my Social and Political Philosophy
class. The last essay question
asks us to evaluate whether
we believe that philosophers
rationalize their arguments
for the interests of a particular
group with which they identify.
The author that I am focusing
on is Gwendolyn Mink and her
arguments against the unfair
treatment of single mothers
in the welfare system. I am
unable to find any background
information on Mink. I know
she is very well educated on
race, class, and gender dynamics
of law, social policy, and social
movements. I understand that
as a woman and a feminist Mink
would identify with mothers
on welfare. Does Mink have any
other experience, as a mother,
or welfare recipient that would
cause her to identify with the
group that she defends? Thank
you - Alissa
agree that Mink is well-versed
on issues of race, class, and
gender and the law and certainly
an advocate for women who are
often overlooked or over-scrutinized
by society -- that is women
of color and poor women. And
she can certainly be all of
these things without experiencing
them. However, I don't think
that she has experienced these
things herself. Of course, she
is a woman of color, so she
can certainly speak personally
about that. However, from what
I know about her, she grew up
privileged (economically, academically,
and socially). Her mother is
a Congresswoman and she is now
a professor at University of
California at Santa Cruz. And
I don't know if she has children.
Perhaps you can track her down
at the university and ask her