there. I am a college student
who has to do a 10 to 20 page
term paper. I have decided to
look into a topic that I know
very little about and I was
wondering if you would help
me. My topic is Feminism, but
this is such a broad subject
that I have narrowed it down
a little to the economics (women
get paid less than men for the
same job) and the glass ceiling
effect of women. The latter
part of the above sentence I
already have information about,
but first I need to define feminism
and to do that I need to do
a little information finding.
Can you please tell me how you
define it and what does it mean
to you? I will include your
name and web site in my paper.
Thank you in advance for your
assistance. Tania
I'm asked to define feminism,
I usually refer to the dictionary
definition of feminism - which
is the movement toward the full
social, political and economic
equality of all people. In my
own life, I like to add on:
that every person have access
to enough information to be
able to make choices in their
own lives. By that I mean, it's
not so much about what choices
we make, but that we have the
freedom to make them. For instance,
do you want to be a homemaker,
a teacher, a dentist?
many people still presume these
roles rather than choose them
- so again, it's not a matter
of what they choose, but that
they know all of their options.
I don't want to leave you with
the impression that it's only
about work - it's about all
the choices we make - and that
others make for us - having
kids/raising kids, having the
freedom to wear the clothes
we want to, be athletic, get
equality in divorce... You should
also look through other discussions
in this section to see how other
people define it.