am interested in two main questions.
I am in my second year of university
in International and Comparative
Studies and Political Science
and have recently found my new
passion. After being labelled
a feminist for most of my life,
I've decided to learn more about
it. However, there are so many
differences of opinion even
within the feminist movement.
Could you recommend me a good
book so that I may be able to
study feminism as a political
ideology? Most of the readers
I have found have been pretty
My second question is related
to free trade and particularly
the Multilateral Agreement on
Investment and the successful
campaign by NGO's to block its
passing by the OECD. From a
feminist perspective can you
explain why NGOs have gained
power within the international
community, and evaluate the
desirability of this? Is freer
trade in the best interest of
women? How should women react
to governments which are advocating
for freer markets?
Thank you very much. Any input
you may have or advice you may
be able to give me would be
greatly appreciated. Sincerely,
Amy (London Ontario)
for your note. There certainly
are many ways to be a feminist,
and therefore, many different
agreements on what is takes
to be a feminist as well as
what feminists must do in order
to achieve equality. I fear
sounding too self-promoting,
but I actually just finished
co-writing a book on feminism
(Manifesta: Young Women,
Feminism and the Future),
it won't be out until September,
but I wish I could send it to
you, because I think that it
does a good job of explaining
the current state of feminism.
In fact, much of the book was
influenced by the questions
that I get "Ask Amy"--many of
which point to a confusion about
feminism and among feminists.
Basically I think that a feminist--is
anyone who supports the full
social, political, and economic
equality of all people. Differences
arise when people have a different
style or goal (i.e. political
change and/or cultural change).
I think it's most important
for each person to be secure
in their feminism to realize
that for the most part fellow
feminists aren't their enemies,
but rather the anti-feminists
are their enemies. Therefore,
we can't be distracted by the
divide and conquer, but rather
should go for focusing our energy
on who our enemies really are--those
who want to take away any gains
made by/for women.
A few books that might helps
explain this better:
- The
Feminist Memoir Project: Voices
from Women's Liberation
edited by Rachel Blau DuPlessis
and Ann Snitow.
- A
Room at a Time: How Women
Entered Party Politics
by Jo Freeman
- Ain't
I A Woman by bell hooks.
As for the questions about the
power/strength of NGOs. I certainly
agree that NGOs have received
more attention and recognition
over the past few years, but
this is a good thing for the
most part. NGOs are almost there
to act as a buffer between governments
and the individuals they represent.
Since the government--for the
most part--hasn't given the
people a voice--the NGOs have
been their to lobby the government
to listen to their constituents.
The one downside to this is
that is could potentially eliminiate
the governments of their constituents,
therefore, they become less
accountable to individuals and
more accountable to organizations.
As I understand it, the problem
with free trade it that it in
fact creates incentive for more
low wage jobs and these jobs
are mostly filled by women--so
free trade in general is not
a good thing for women.
I hope that answers all of your
questions--perhaps I've confused
you even more. I hope not.